
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Typography for Lawyers

Professionelle has a new address!  Please visit for this post and much more!

The first time a senior associate asked me to change "straight quotes" to "curly quotes" I thought he was crazy. But, apparently there is good scientific reasoning behind his request (along with putting only one space behind periods and using bold or italics but not both). Typography for Lawyers was written by Mathew Butterick, a former graphic designer and typographer turned lawyer. It's filled with handy tips on how to make any document, particularly legal documents, more effective from a visual perspective. This is not to say that I advocate torturing junior associates with typography changes at 4am on a Friday night, but the advice is sound and the tips are interesting.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Professionelle has a new address!  Please visit for this post and much more!
Fashion meets Facebook meets Twitter meets...Google? Google's new website,, combines social media, blogging and shopping. For more information, see this article by the New York Times.

After taking it for a short test drive, I can say that I am completely addicted. The website allows users to create their own "boutique" where they can shop for and share the items they love (kinda like a Facebook profile). Google has also convinced celebrities and fashion bloggers to help with the launch of the site by creating their own boutiques for the public to peruse. Want to see what Olivia Palermo is buying? Simply go to her boutique. You can even "follow" her (exactly like Twitter).

What I really love about the website is that Google has teamed up with As previously featured on Professionelle, technology shows shoppers items similar to the one you're interested in. It worked decently well before, but trying to find say, a black bag with gold hardware, was sometimes difficult. would show you plenty of black bags approximately the same shape as the one you're looking for, but it didn't always pick up on the details. This time around, the "similar products" feature on does a much better job. So, if you found the perfect brown riding boots, but they happen to be $700, you can look for a similar product for less on

Let me know what you think, and start following Professionelle at!