
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Brilliant Idea: Travel Trench

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Last week I posted my favorite rainy weather gear, but I wish I would have known about this before posting:

Elie Tahari Double Breasted Travel Trench (263.90)
A clever travel trench that folds into a small pouch.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

See this Weekend: Valentino: The Last Emperor

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Last week a few very fashionable girlfriends and I went to see Valentino: The Last Emperor. The documentary follows the last two years of legendary fashion designer Valentino and his business partner Giancarlo Giametti's careers. The movie gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the beautiful world of Haute Couture and the real business pressures facing the fashion industry. I particularly enjoyed watching the interaction between Valentino and Giancarlo, his life long partner in business as well as life and love. The constant presence of Valentino's five pugs also provided many laughs. This movie, however, is not for the casual observer of fashion. Those of you who prefer InStyle to Vogue or WWD may find that it takes fashion a bit too seriously. For the die-hard fashionistas out there, Valentino: The Last Emperor is an entertaining and insightful documentary. It was also a great change of pace to watch a documentary in a movie theater. Visit the movie website for more information.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Adding Variety to the Perfect Suit

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Regardless of where your firm fell in last week's guide, you will need at least one suit to get you through the first week of work as well as to hang on the back of your office door. A suit may also be just what the doctor ordered for those nasty bouts of what-should-I-wear-to-work-today-itis. After finding the perfect suit is the question of what to wear underneath. Here are a few of my favorite pieces to add variety and style to any suit:

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fabric Covered Thumbtacks

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Spring is the perfect time to add some color to your office walls. These adorable thumbtacks will make you smile the next time you need to consult your "Common Billing Numbers" sheet tacked next to your monitor. Easy to make, see instructions at How About Orange.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Summer Associate Wardrobe Guide

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Just a few more weeks and thousands of rising 3Ls will head to New York embarking on the best [working] summer of their lives. Being a summer associate in New York is a surreal experience. What other profession treats its interns to little work, high pay, and amazing perks for an entire summer? Summer associate positions, however, should not be taken for granted. Especially in this economy. Summers should do everything in their power to avoid giving firms any reason not to hire them. They should also attempt to stand out in a good way. This applies not only to work product, but also to a summer's professional style. Chances are, the associates in your firm will not only be appropriately dress, but also stylishly dressed, and you should follow suit. Pun intended. Because each firm is different, consult the unofficial guide below to determine what pieces to invest in for the summer.

Suits required: Cravath (closed toe shoes required as well) and Wachtell

Suits optional, business casual: Cleary Gottleib, Davis Polk, Jenner Block, Sidley Austin, Simpson Thacher, Paul Weiss

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April Showers

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I have the Bus Stop theme on my Gmail where the background image changes with the weather. It is currently displaying a tower of umbrellas and has been more often than I would like it to lately. I thought this would be the perfect time to showcase my favorite rainy weather accessories meeting two important criteria: professionally stylish and easily portable.

Totes Flat Auto Open Close Folding Rain Umbrella (28.00)
Totes umbrellas are my all time favorite and I love the auto open/close function (an unfortunate childhood umbrella injury steered me away from regular umbrellas years ago). They are exceptionally well made and well worth the $28.00. This particular umbrella is also small enough to fit into most work bags or even a trench coat pocket. I have this umbrella in magenta. Brightly colored umbrellas are perfectly acceptable so long as they aren't also patterned.

Old Navy Belted Trench Coat (49.50)
A classic trench coat is a must have for any professionelle. A good trench, however, is remarkably hard to find. If you're on the taller side investing in a Burberry trench like this one is well worth the money, but for petite women I would recommend a trench from the Gap family of stores (Gap, Banana Republic, and Old Navy). Even their normal sizes work well on petite women. I'm 5'0" and my Banana Republic trench fits me better than any Burberry trench I've ever tried on.

Metropolis T-Ion Mini Dryer (59.95)
For the times you forget your umbrella and those umbrella vendors at the top of subway openings are mysteriously absent. Or when a gust of wind splashes rain into your face, eyes, and inevitably on your hair. This small hair dryer is powerful and so compact that it fits in the palm of your hand. Unless you have giant hands, or a very small purse, that should also mean that it's small enough toss in your work bag.

Technology Tip: Section Sign Shortcut

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I often wonder who invented the keyboard and why on earth they chose to put certain keys on it and omit others. For example, why is this ({) symbol deserving of a spot on my keyboard but not this (§) symbol which I, and I would imagine, most professionelles, use with much greater frequency. But fear not, Microsoft Word allows you to assign a shortcut key for the section symbol (§) and any other symbol. Here's how: In Word, go to Insert > Symbol. Then click on the symbol you would like to assign a shortcut key. Click the "Shortcut Key" button and in the box that says "Press new shortcut key," type what you would like for your shortcut key. For example, on my computer I typed in Ctrl + Alt + S for the section symbol (§). Now every time I want to use the section symbol (§), I simply type Ctrl + Alt + S and voila! I would not recommend assigning Ctrl + S as your shortcut for the section symbol (§) because it is already the shortcut key for saving. *Unlike most fashion and lifestyle blogs, Professionelle seeks to provide more than just Spring shoe trends (although I'm currently lusting after these, if only I were tall enough to wear flats). In that vein, occasional technology tips will be posted to help make your work and personal life more efficient and effective. Please email me at if you have any computer, internet, or blackberry tips.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Back to Basics for Summer

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It's brutal out there. Law firms are laying off associates, delaying start dates, and cutting summer programs. Banks are still not hiring. Bernake predicts the economy could start to recover in one year, but one year is a long way off. Some of you will make a budget and stick to it, but the rest of us will undoubtedly spend some of our precious salary advance (if you're lucky enough to still have one) or deferment bonus (does calling it a bonus make it better?) on clothes. The key, however, is to shop smartly. That means it's time to hunker down, get back to basics, and choose pieces that do double duty. Here are a couple of my favorites looks that can be worn at work as well as at play.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Welcome to Professionelle!

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I turned 24 last September. For most women 24 is nothing special, but for me it was the year that I would become an adult. At least in my own mind. Since the age of 12, I knew that I wanted to go to law school and become a lawyer. At that tender age, I eagerly counted the years to go before I would graduate and go on to defend justice and liberty as a lawyer. It seemed so far away at the time. Now that time is finally here. I am 2 months away from graduation, 4 months away from taking the bar, and 6 months away from finally becoming a real lawyer.

Next Fall, I will be starting as an associate at a large New York law firm. So maybe it's not exactly what I set out to do 12 years ago, but, hey, I also thought at the time that I could be a triple threat akin to Jennifer Lopez (except replace dancing with lawyering). I'm actually very excited about starting my job. I'm going to a very respectable firm whose people I admire and actually enjoy spending time with. I am well aware that this is not an easy thing to find, and for that I am very grateful.

Leaving behind my life as a student is something that I'm less enthusiastic about. Students get up at noon, spend a few hours in class, control their hours, and answer only to themselves...and their cell phones. It seems that the only thing professionals and students have in common is the ability to walk and send emails at the same time. What's more, as a woman entering a very male dominated world, the challenges of next year sometimes seem insurmountable.

But anyone who knows me well knows that feeling powerless stresses me out more than any actual challenges I may soon have to face. So, in an effort to better prepare myself for my entree into the cut throat New York legal world and help others along the way, I've decided to start this blog. Professionelle is a blog devoted to helping young, professional women succeed with style and grace. It is also a blog devoted to helping women hold on to what made them happy before they started their climbs on the corporate ladder, be it an awesome deal on a pair of shoes, a good chic flick, dinner and drinks with girlfriends, or the simple pleasures of celebrity gossip.

Helping me along the way will be my good friend Yun Ah. She is an [investment] banker at a large New York Bank. Investment in brackets because those don't technically exist anymore. Pretty soon I may be referring to her as a government employee. Yun Ah is one of the most savvy and stylish women I have ever met. We immediately hit it off during a summer banking internship our Junior year of college, and there is no one I trust more to help make this blog a success.

I hope that you will find the information on this blog informative, interesting, and helpful. If this blog becomes a place you go not only to get information but also as a release after a stressful day of work, then I have succeeded. Please feel free to email me at with any comments and suggestions. I look forward to hearing from you.
