
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fashionable Scrubs

Professionelle has a new address!  Please visit for this post and much more!
My friend Nikki loves fashion, but as a pediatric oncology nurse, her wardrobe options for work are severely limited. I'm sure many other Professionelles are in the same position so I thought I'd do a little digging into fashionable scrubs. I didn't have high hopes, but much to my surprise, I found some very chic (or at least adorable) scrub options.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lonny Magazine

Professionelle has a new address!  Please visit for this post and much more!
Sorry for the long absence! I've been working...and working...and working. Despite that, I managed to find some time to do a bit of apartment hunting and have finally found my dream apartment. I will be moving next month (provided I pass the coop board process...but that's a post for another day). The upcoming move has reignited my interest in home decor. Christina, my partner in crime at work, came across this web-a-zine devoted to bringing accessible design to the masses. came in the wake of the recession which put many home decor magazines out of business. It has dozens of click-able pages of furniture, art and other design ideas and products. If you see something you like, you can click on the image and it will link you directly to a site where you can purchase the product. No more trying to match the tiny numbers next to pictures with the product descriptions. Clicking through the items is half the fun because it introduces you to other awesome websites such as Poketo!. I also appreciate that unlike most conventional magazines, features items.

Below are a few items I discovered in this month's issue of